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self-cleaning effect中文是什么意思

用"self-cleaning effect"造句"self-cleaning effect"怎么读"self-cleaning effect" in a sentence


  • 自清理作用


  • This kind of shaker has such features : its self - cleaning effect is powerful , no phenomena of screen pasting and screen jam happen , when improving the treating capacity by increasing throwing coefficient , the phenomena of drilling fluids spattering can be avoided , so that screening - separating drilling fluids in closed space can be realized . hence , this new kind of shale shaker will find its application in the new drilling techniques such as under - balanced drilling
    其主要特点是:自洁作用很强,没有“筛糊” 、 “筛堵”现象;采用大抛掷指数提高振动筛处理能力时可避免钻井液的剧烈飞溅现象;可实现在封闭的空间里进行钻井液的筛分,因而在欠平衡钻井等新钻井技术的应用中也可发挥其用武之地。
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